Monday 25 June 2012

Applying for college...again.

I have just filled out my application for health and social care level 3 at Carlisle college!

Sounds like a big leap from Art and Design I know...but it is a path way to what I want to be doing in the future.

My dream is to work with disabled people both physically and mentally, I would like to work my arts and crafts in with this.

I think art and craft is really important for people with these difficulties as they can express themselves, enjoy themselves and learn at the same time.
The imagination in people like this is amazing and should be worked with!

Nervous & excited!

Thursday 21 June 2012

New for Old

This is a selection of some of the owls that I did for my New for Old project based on tattooing! 
I hand drew them and then added the colour to them on photoshop using the work sheets that I created.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Skinny LaMinx!

I have just sent a message to Heather Moore the owner of Skinny LaMinx Cape Town. Fingers crossed she will answer my questions to help with my Final Major Project.

I cant believe in a few months I will no longer be a student oh my goodness scary thought!!

Monday 19 March 2012

Latest work!

Seems like I have slightly neglected my blog so I thought I would upload my latest work for you all to see!

I've been working on a henna tattooing project and thought I would use one of my work sheets to jazz up one of my designs and this is my very first draft of it.
The whole project is based on owls, to go with the older and wiser idea of getting a tattoo that is none permanent.

I have yet to work into him a bit more so watch this space!!

Thursday 2 February 2012


Tomorrow I hang my first exhibition tomorrow.
Hope lots of people go and see this exhibition, everyone has done some amazing stuff for this project!

"This body of work showcases 13 different approaches to a project brief titled 'Inside Outside'. it was a seven week project based on mixed media in which students developed ideas to suit their specialist areas. Being a mixed media project a variety of techniques were explored in studio. These included embroidery, illustration and digital imaging. This project opened eyes to new ways of working and the students worked independently to create a final piece suited to their specialist area. This will be the first external exhibition by these students who have curated and hung the work themselves. The exhibition opens on the 4th February and runs until the 23rd February at The Crown Gallery, Lonsdale Street Carlisle."

Thursday 26 January 2012

Endless Talent!

I have to say I love cooking and baking! And this beautiful cake has to go down as one proud moment in my life!
Sad I know but it looks great and tasted even better.

Personal/Private Work

I have done a few of my own 'private' drawings, I have done these to try and get my drawing skills up to a higher level these are two of the image I like most.