Friday 9 December 2011

Combining elements of peoples personalities.

I have been doing some images combining different likes of a person, it works best with a colour, food, place, object, activity and animal although I have tried it with different things too but I think it works better with the liverpool one. I just hope my sister doesn't come on my blog as one of these is her christmas present...the best one.
I have really enjoyed doing them but need some more people to do them for if you'd like to see what yours would look like please comment with the 6 criteria above.

Monday 5 December 2011

I wrote a really exciting essay today... well I wrote my essay today at least! need to redo a lot of my inside outside project tomorrow as a lot of my work has been lost. Really gutted but loved doing them to start with so will be fun.

Monday 28 November 2011

Final Pieces.

These are my final pieces for my 7 Deadly Sins project based around the sin of avarice and influenced by the baroque period (17th-18th century).
Riches being shown through location and ''possessions'' such as a mans wife and animals.
Also showing how sin can change a be printed A5 size like a postcard...Modern riches being spent on going on holiday etc.
I made the dress myself with a paper pattern and amazing help and patients on my mothers part.

Mam; for all your help with the dress
Sam; for helping me with photographs at short notice
Becky; For being my beautiful model!

Friday 25 November 2011

Final Day!

So its the final day on my seven deadly sins projects and I am to hand in on monday morning, then I will put my final 4 photo montages on to here.

Its been a long project i hope my photos live up to my expectations.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Art History!

My least favourite of my college topics to date, probably thinking too much about school history lessons.
Oh dear REALLY need to get this done today!
This may frustrate me just slightly but its worth it.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Finally Inside Outside!

For my final pieces I am going to use this business card, banner and 4 of the posters below.
Today I found out these will be going into The Crown Gallery in Carlisle near the bus station.
The exhibition will be at the end of January...So excited!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Messing About With Sweet Wrappers.

For this I scanned in some sweet wrappers from earlier in the day.
Really impressed with everything I have done today!

I love doing these really getting into it!

Please leave your comments, what do you like or what do you think I could improve??

Inside Outside Again!

For my 'Inside Outside' Project as you can see below I am creating Promotion/Advertising material for my mothers business. I am creating a range of different samples for her to chose from, as would be done for a client in industry.
I am varying colours and layouts to show different potentials for the different designs.
I will add some more by the end of the day.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Inside Outside Business Card.

Really happy with todays results!
Still need work done to refine them but I'm getting there!

Inside Outside...

Turns out I can make my project into advertising for my Mother business...I hope she likes it!
Done with Wacom Tablet, Brusho, Atomiser and Photoshop!

Inside Outside Peaches!

Using a Wacom tablet I have drawn these images and then scanned in the background which I created with Brusho and an atomiser!
I really like the effects I am getting with this, now to turn them into pieces of advertising... watch this space!

Monday 7 November 2011

Seven Deadly Sins BREAK THROUGH!

After major panicking last night finally I have realized that heat transfer paint is going to be a lot quicker than the screen printing method I was intending to use...3 weeks to make a dress that has my pattern on and then photographing it by Carlisle Castle and making four photo montages.
Also the work to lead up to it, sure I will manage!

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Looking For Direction.

Working on 'Inside outside' Project today just wish I knew where I was taking it as at the moment I am completely unsure.
Watch this space and I'll let you know what I decide!

Monday 24 October 2011

Seven Deadly Sins!

For my sin of Avarice I am looking at Clothing brands and labels in today's society.
For this I have set up an online Questionnaire if you could take a moment to complete it for me I'd be very grateful.

Too do the questionnaire click here!

For everyone who completed my survey thank you very much!
Even a writer from the guardian completed it for me which was amazing!
Thanks again.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

"Inside Outside"

I have just started a new project entitled "Inside Outside"
I chose to use fruit as my subject and have chosen different fruits with stones in the center.
This is a plum ... one of my first drawings for the project.

Life Drawing!

These are a few of my images from life drawing, in the images there are two different models. I have used charcoal, coloured pastels and different techniques such as keeping the medium on the paper whilst doing the image and also using my left hand to loosen up my mind for creating some larger drawings.
I have really enjoyed life drawing and hope you enjoy the outcome.
Watch this space for more.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Now we're blogging!

I am just finding my feet in the blogging world at the moment please forgive any of my mistakes that I am bound to make.
Today I have found some amazing and inspirational blogs to follow I hope you enjoy them too.

The first inspirational blog I have decided to follow is Textilelou.
I met Louise on a placement in Slovakia this summer (2011) she filled my head with these amazing images of what she had been creating at university where she was studying textiles and specializing in weaving I was amazed! At that point weaving was something I had only tried once when I was much younger. But then I was sat in front of a loom for 2 days and now I'm hooked Louise's blog is full of her work she has done at university, its really interesting and fascinating how she has managed to create all these weaves.
Take a look and be as fascinated as I was!

The second is Todaysinspiration.
I just stumbled across this blog earlier today while searching for a friend.
I like it because it is the kind of place I am likely to go on days when I hit the blank wall and have no idea what to do within my work or projects.
Here is Mondays inspiration. To show how a Monday should be done!

Number 3! The final blog I am going to tell you about today is Talking about Weaving.
this blog is full of information about weaving which as an ammeter weaver i will be finding really useful.
Also I really like the ethic of using natural fibers and hand dying yarns. This is something I would love to do in the future or at least have a go at!

Thats all for now I hope you will enjoy these three blogs as much as I have done.