Monday 24 October 2011

Seven Deadly Sins!

For my sin of Avarice I am looking at Clothing brands and labels in today's society.
For this I have set up an online Questionnaire if you could take a moment to complete it for me I'd be very grateful.

Too do the questionnaire click here!

For everyone who completed my survey thank you very much!
Even a writer from the guardian completed it for me which was amazing!
Thanks again.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

"Inside Outside"

I have just started a new project entitled "Inside Outside"
I chose to use fruit as my subject and have chosen different fruits with stones in the center.
This is a plum ... one of my first drawings for the project.

Life Drawing!

These are a few of my images from life drawing, in the images there are two different models. I have used charcoal, coloured pastels and different techniques such as keeping the medium on the paper whilst doing the image and also using my left hand to loosen up my mind for creating some larger drawings.
I have really enjoyed life drawing and hope you enjoy the outcome.
Watch this space for more.