Wednesday 28 March 2012

Skinny LaMinx!

I have just sent a message to Heather Moore the owner of Skinny LaMinx Cape Town. Fingers crossed she will answer my questions to help with my Final Major Project.

I cant believe in a few months I will no longer be a student oh my goodness scary thought!!

Monday 19 March 2012

Latest work!

Seems like I have slightly neglected my blog so I thought I would upload my latest work for you all to see!

I've been working on a henna tattooing project and thought I would use one of my work sheets to jazz up one of my designs and this is my very first draft of it.
The whole project is based on owls, to go with the older and wiser idea of getting a tattoo that is none permanent.

I have yet to work into him a bit more so watch this space!!