Monday 25 June 2012

Applying for college...again.

I have just filled out my application for health and social care level 3 at Carlisle college!

Sounds like a big leap from Art and Design I know...but it is a path way to what I want to be doing in the future.

My dream is to work with disabled people both physically and mentally, I would like to work my arts and crafts in with this.

I think art and craft is really important for people with these difficulties as they can express themselves, enjoy themselves and learn at the same time.
The imagination in people like this is amazing and should be worked with!

Nervous & excited!

Thursday 21 June 2012

New for Old

This is a selection of some of the owls that I did for my New for Old project based on tattooing! 
I hand drew them and then added the colour to them on photoshop using the work sheets that I created.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Skinny LaMinx!

I have just sent a message to Heather Moore the owner of Skinny LaMinx Cape Town. Fingers crossed she will answer my questions to help with my Final Major Project.

I cant believe in a few months I will no longer be a student oh my goodness scary thought!!

Monday 19 March 2012

Latest work!

Seems like I have slightly neglected my blog so I thought I would upload my latest work for you all to see!

I've been working on a henna tattooing project and thought I would use one of my work sheets to jazz up one of my designs and this is my very first draft of it.
The whole project is based on owls, to go with the older and wiser idea of getting a tattoo that is none permanent.

I have yet to work into him a bit more so watch this space!!

Thursday 2 February 2012


Tomorrow I hang my first exhibition tomorrow.
Hope lots of people go and see this exhibition, everyone has done some amazing stuff for this project!

"This body of work showcases 13 different approaches to a project brief titled 'Inside Outside'. it was a seven week project based on mixed media in which students developed ideas to suit their specialist areas. Being a mixed media project a variety of techniques were explored in studio. These included embroidery, illustration and digital imaging. This project opened eyes to new ways of working and the students worked independently to create a final piece suited to their specialist area. This will be the first external exhibition by these students who have curated and hung the work themselves. The exhibition opens on the 4th February and runs until the 23rd February at The Crown Gallery, Lonsdale Street Carlisle."

Thursday 26 January 2012

Endless Talent!

I have to say I love cooking and baking! And this beautiful cake has to go down as one proud moment in my life!
Sad I know but it looks great and tasted even better.

Personal/Private Work

I have done a few of my own 'private' drawings, I have done these to try and get my drawing skills up to a higher level these are two of the image I like most.

Ceramics - Year1

Last year (1st college year) we did a ceramics project on the brief of 'Pods'. With our own ideas combined with techniques we were shown we had to make a vessel, My theme was farmhouse style. I used some child size boots to create a sprig of the bottom of the boot showing the tread and all the details.
I tried to create my boots using a slab of clay but then through experimenting with texture and pattern I decided to use a coiling technique which I thought looked more rustic. I chose farmhouse colours to fit with my theme.
I was very happy with the end result.

2011 - Summer Play scheme.

In the summer holidays 2011 my mother, her friend Gwen, myself and some of the staff from The Market Hall Wigton did 4 play scheme days only a few hours for each session, enough to make a mess though. We had some really good outcomes.
My 'station' was making peacocks out of a hand print, messy and fun for all ages... including me!
I even had a granddad of one of the children who sat for 45 minutes making his peacock the perfect peacock!

We also made masks and finger puppets from very simple designs that were given to the children, they were amazing young children with great imaginations and although it was very exhausting at first we had a great time!

Wednesday 18 January 2012


For one of my new projects Recycle & Reconstruct I have looked at different materials that be recycled not only in the general recycling bins but what we could recycle as part of this project.
I thought about Newspapers, Magazines, Material, Cans and Bottles, Glass and Plastic.
Materials could be things such as old clothes that can be recycled at charity bins that are found with plastic, glass and paper recycling, also at charity shops but my idea is that they could be reconstructed into new items which could be of use if the item of clothing is no longer of use.
A few of my ideas on this page are using skirts to make small handbags and baby growers to make a small changing bag for the essentials you need for a baby. Also turning t-shirts into medium sized shopper style bags. then the print on the item would be the decoration for the bag.
This is bag number one! I made this out of a child's skirt and lined the bag with material from some pajamas. I added a pocket from a pair of child's dungarees and made the strap from the legs of the dungarees, using the detailed area as detail for the handle. The skirt was already highly decorated so I didn't need to add any detail to it for decoration. (This is a rubbish photo I will replace it with a better one soon)
This (Above and Below) is my second bag I made it from a pair of children's jeans, My plan was to make a small bag but Christie suggested that I instead used the whole of the trousers. This took a long time unpicking and removing the waistband but I think the result is worth it, It helped to iron out some flaws from the first bag as my stitching on my strap was very visible on the 1st bag but I have now found a way of making it not visible and am much happier with the result.

Bag 1 is small but could fit an A5 book inside.
Bag 2 is slightly larger and can fit an A4 book inside.
The lining of Bag 2 came from a charity shop and its white with purple polka dots.

I am really enjoying this project and think that it could have the potential to become something I could continue after this project.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Blog Hop.

I started my 'Blog Hop' on my big sisters website.
She is the main inspiration in my life and has been since I was tiny, she first sparked my arty interests, so I guess I have her to thank!!
I love her illustrations not only because she is my big sister!
They are Amazing.
From there I clicked on a link to an Etsy shop.
The 'owner' of this shop works for a toy developing company in Liverpool.
The toys she makes in her spare time are sold in her shop.
They are very cute.


Through Luluhopping1983's favorites I looked for items that jumped out at me.
Then I saw an item by Skinny Laminx, a seller/ designer I came across last year whilst doing a printed textile based project, I love her designs I think they really work well and her colour ways are also really interesting. She also sells material printed with her designs, so could be a useful source.

Inspirational Quotes...

Inspirational Quotes are what will get me through this very sleepy day in some kind of productive way!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

2 new briefs!

'New For Old'
for this project i am looking at tattooing from 1900 and before to the present day.

Also 'Recycle and Reconstruct'
im really excited for this one. my idea so far is to use old clothes to make into bags... i only got the breif 30 minuites ago so watch this space.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Happy New Year!

To all my viewers and followers, I wish you a prosperous new year and thank you greatly for viewing my blog :D