Wednesday 18 January 2012


For one of my new projects Recycle & Reconstruct I have looked at different materials that be recycled not only in the general recycling bins but what we could recycle as part of this project.
I thought about Newspapers, Magazines, Material, Cans and Bottles, Glass and Plastic.
Materials could be things such as old clothes that can be recycled at charity bins that are found with plastic, glass and paper recycling, also at charity shops but my idea is that they could be reconstructed into new items which could be of use if the item of clothing is no longer of use.
A few of my ideas on this page are using skirts to make small handbags and baby growers to make a small changing bag for the essentials you need for a baby. Also turning t-shirts into medium sized shopper style bags. then the print on the item would be the decoration for the bag.
This is bag number one! I made this out of a child's skirt and lined the bag with material from some pajamas. I added a pocket from a pair of child's dungarees and made the strap from the legs of the dungarees, using the detailed area as detail for the handle. The skirt was already highly decorated so I didn't need to add any detail to it for decoration. (This is a rubbish photo I will replace it with a better one soon)
This (Above and Below) is my second bag I made it from a pair of children's jeans, My plan was to make a small bag but Christie suggested that I instead used the whole of the trousers. This took a long time unpicking and removing the waistband but I think the result is worth it, It helped to iron out some flaws from the first bag as my stitching on my strap was very visible on the 1st bag but I have now found a way of making it not visible and am much happier with the result.

Bag 1 is small but could fit an A5 book inside.
Bag 2 is slightly larger and can fit an A4 book inside.
The lining of Bag 2 came from a charity shop and its white with purple polka dots.

I am really enjoying this project and think that it could have the potential to become something I could continue after this project.

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