Wednesday 11 January 2012

Blog Hop.

I started my 'Blog Hop' on my big sisters website.
She is the main inspiration in my life and has been since I was tiny, she first sparked my arty interests, so I guess I have her to thank!!
I love her illustrations not only because she is my big sister!
They are Amazing.
From there I clicked on a link to an Etsy shop.
The 'owner' of this shop works for a toy developing company in Liverpool.
The toys she makes in her spare time are sold in her shop.
They are very cute.


Through Luluhopping1983's favorites I looked for items that jumped out at me.
Then I saw an item by Skinny Laminx, a seller/ designer I came across last year whilst doing a printed textile based project, I love her designs I think they really work well and her colour ways are also really interesting. She also sells material printed with her designs, so could be a useful source.

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